Cat Santos Young, ​AIA | Passive House Consultant, CPHC®

My background.
Born in the Philippines and raised in northern New Jersey, I stumbled upon architectural drawing at a young age and instantly fell in love with the marriage of art and the built world. I studied architecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology and interned for NYC firms Kushner Studios and David Yum Architects. I also participated in a six-month work/study program in Florence, Italy studying Italian and working for Lo Studio Enrico Guanieri. Upon graduating, I chose New England life and worked for Penniman Architects for over 15 years where I honed my design and project management skills under the mentorship of George Penniman. In the summer of 2022 with the office closure of Penniman Architects, I founded TAMA Architecture PC with a focus on creating sustainable architecture and the dream to realize my vision of a modern architecture firm.

What I love about what I do.
For me, there is nothing more enjoyable than developing relationships and working collaboratively with clients, professionals, and builders to transform ideas to paper and ultimately a built form. I take a personal interest in each project regardless of its scope and appreciate the unique challenges custom home building presents. Though my first passion is design, I am equally passionate about sustainability and high-performance/energy-efficient buildings.

Outside of work.
I consider myself a serial volunteer focusing on climate action and have served organizations like the Middletown Complete Streets Committee, Sustainable Middletown, Middletown Clean Energy Task Force, Connecticut Passive House, and AIA's CANstruction program. I have taught Interior Design courses at Paier College of Arts. I am a treehugger; a wannabe urban homesteader and rock climber; and I enjoy science fiction and fantasy films with my husband, two daughters, two cats, one dog, five-seven hens, and two leopard geckos.